In the once-prosperous city of Paldon, a catastrophic event caused by scientist Tobern Shadowstahl’s experiment with time-altering technology shattered the city’s advanced machinery and erased valuable knowledge. Now, factions of intellectuals and political groups debate the risks and benefits of restoring the technology. Some advocate for the reinvention of advanced science, while others argue for safer, older technology.
The inventors and scientists are key players in the city’s reconstruction, creating machines that bring life back to its core. While certain knowledge is forbidden, they continue their work, sometimes using rare substances like phlogiston to power their creations. Taking risks, they sell their inventions on the black market and they don’t align with just one faction but collaborate with several to secure their own success and make their names known.
About the game
In Chronicles of Paldon, each player acts as an inventor with their own workshop located in the city of Paldon. The task is to rebuild the city’s marvellous machinery, which has malfunctioned due to a catastrophe. The machinery consists of a few major City Constructions and a large number of small machines.
To complete the task, players must carefully plan how to use their turns and apprentices to gather the necessary resources and skills, as well as how to best utilize the machines they have built. Machines can be sold for money, but they can also be provided to factions in exchange for renown,with the amount of renown depending on the faction’s influence. It’s crucial to keep an eye on what the other players are doing, as the game is interactive, and their actions can directly impact each player´s strategy and success.
Renown points can be received in different ways, but mainly when building City Constructions and for the faction support (providing of machines) made during the game. The winner is the player with the most renown points at game end.
In the solo game, which takes place before the catastrophic event, the player’s task is to destroy Tobern Shadowstahl’s machine before it destroys the City´s machinery.
Photos of our prototype
Graphical design is ongoing so there may be changes in some game parts.